Care Anywhere – The Global Health Workforce Podcast, by CGFNS International


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Topics and Touch Points:

  • Education and training
  • Entry-to-practice standards
  • Workforce critical shortage
  • Healthcare delivery evolution
  • Practice trends and challenges
  • Clinical practice evolution
  • Credentialing and Skills Assessment
  • Career Mobility and Migration
  • Emerging technologies
  • Nurse-led innovation
  • Frontline nursing roles
  • Alternative career pathways
  • English language proficiency
  • Regulatory Impacts on Career Mobility
  • Ethical workforce recruitment
  • Competency-based certification
  • Gender equality
  • And more…
  • Education and training
  • Entry-to-practice standards
  • Workforce critical shortage
  • Healthcare delivery evolution
  • Practice trends and challenges
  • Clinical practice evolution
  • Credentialing and Skills Assessment
  • Career Mobility and Migration
  • Emerging technologies
  • Nurse-led innovation
  • Frontline nursing roles
  • Alternative career pathways
  • English language proficiency
  • Regulatory Impacts on Career Mobility
  • Ethical workforce recruitment
  • Competency-based certification
  • Gender equality
  • And more…

The theme and focus of this podcast is global health workforce development. We are engaging subject matter experts, thought leaders, and practitioners in moderated discussions about the global landscape of workforce development in healthcare–at the intersection of practice evolution, workforce shortages, and a global demand for talent.