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ISPRM 2024 – CGFNS announces a new global credential
The World Health Organization estimates 2.4 billion people worldwide need rehabilitation services. Meeting that need will require equipped and highly skilled nurses who can deliver and advance the future of rehabilitation care.
The CGR-N exam is based on a Global Competency Framework for rehabilitative nursing that has been validated by subject matter experts around the world and ensures a nurse has been assessed against a global industry standard.
Exam registration will open in July 2024.
June 5, 2024 – 10:15-11:15 AM
International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney)
Room C3.5
Health Policy and Systems 4 Session

NGO CSW68 Forum – CGFNS Parallel Event
CGFNS International hosted a Parallel Event during this year’s Forum. The session focused on health worker migration and the role that gender plays in global health workforce mobility and development, as well as the overall impact of migration on global healthcare in an era of persistent health worker shortages.
March 11, 4:30-6:00 PM EDT
The Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission (Auditorium)
221 E 52nd St, New York, NY 10022